Wednesday 6 April 2011

Spanish Air

Maybe it's just that I'm finally getting my sense of smell back after quitting smoking in November, but walking back from watching Spurs get roundly beaten by Real Madrid (on TV, not at the Bernabeu) just now, I was taking deep lungfuls of the hot, vapor-heavy atmosphere hanging around from a scorching day, that smelled unmistakeably of what I've always known to myself as 'Spanish air'. You get it on maybe one or two nights a year in the UK but it's always there when you go on holiday to, for example, Spain. Until now, Madrid has been cold, occasionally rainy and often not unlike England in its climate and general feel, but now spring is really going for it and every time I step out of a building, day or night, I can't help smiling and just thinking, 'I'm in Spain!'

1 comment:

  1. are my hero! I'm an American girl, living in NY, who has traveled to many countries and is dreaming of living overseas. During the last year, I've been seriously considering uprooting myself and making that move. I just visited Madrid for the first time this month and I love it there! I've owned a small business here in NY which is easy and comfortable, but I'm not content. I'm trying to work up the courage to do exactly what you've done. So, thanks for the inspiration...I will continue to follow your blog and perhaps I'll see you in Madrid one day!
