Thursday 25 November 2010

Tomato Frito Swollen Lip Syndrome

I woke up yesterday, with a bit of a start, to find that my bottom lip was about four times the size it was supposed to be. I mean, really huge, solid, heavy, and massive. Not the top one, not my mouth, just a great big wobbly bottom lip. I wish I'd taken a picture. After convincing myself I wasn't still dreaming by looking in the mirror in horror and wondering how on earth I was going to take four hours of English classes, I decided that it would go down and went to the internet cafe. After a bit of research, it seems that quite a lot of people get this, particularly when abroad, and its usually down to an allergic reaction to something. I'm not someone who usually suffers from allergies so I've been wracking my brains trying to think of what I ate or touched the day before but the only thing I can single out is a carton of tomato frito, which is basically tomato soup mascarading as chopped tomato. As allergic reactions go, 'tomato frito gives me a massive lip' is pretty ridiculous but that seems to be the case, although I'm a bit scared to try it again... just in case. Anyway, it went down in time to teach and not look too ludicrious so all was well.

2 weeks since I gave up smoking today and feeling alright about it. There have been moments where I've been so tempted and really had to work myself out of it, particularly in clubs. I never thought I'd say it, but I can't wait for the (partial) smoking ban to come in here in January! It really does make your clothes smell, etc etc

Tonight, I'm off to celebrate my first Thanksgiving round at an American friend's flat. It feels like a trial run for Christmas (although in this case a little more eccentric - fake mustaches and spandex have been encouraged, and the turkey is going to be made out of tofu).


  1. hi dude,
    I like your blog; interesting, just what I was lookin for. I'd like to come one day in Spain and probably just try to teach English. can you talk more about your daily experience teaching there? any other mates teaching like you? what is the pay, any private tutoring? can you touch on the financials? thanks, Jack, USA

  2. hey,
    yeah i've been a bit quiet on the actual teaching bit partly to avoid getting in any potential hot water with the company, but i'll have a lot more interesting stuff to say about various ways of teaching soon...
    essentially tho, being a native english speaker and having an NIE is like having a masters degree out here, people throw jobs at you! only problem for you might be a visa but you can always do private tutoring on the sly too. expect about €10-€20 per hour.
